
239 Main St. | Salt Lake City, UT | (801) 535-6110


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[vc_wp_text]The renovated John W. Gallivan Center in Salt Lake City, Utah features a user-friendly layout with an expanded grassy amphitheater, a larger, updated ice rink system, a unique array of art projects and a gorgeous two-story, copper finished, banquet, party and meeting facility. Its inviting atmosphere is complemented with performance areas of all sizes, intimate spaces and vantage points that make the Gallivan Center a comfortable and fun place to enjoy all kinds of activities, casual strolling or simple people watching.[/vc_wp_text]
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“There’s has been a free big band playing outside every Tuesday all summer long and they are really good! How cool is that? Tons of people go and dance with people they don’t even know! It’s so fun!” -Heather


“Excellent venue for a concert. One of my favorites.” -Hyrum 
