1545 1100 E | Salt Lake City | 801.487.2179

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Sax Romney, a Utah-grown floral company specializing in gorgeous customized floral events. For more than 35 years, Sax Romney has been Utah’s wedding specialist, which is why our name has become synonymous with creativity, efficiency, and attention to detail in all the projects we undertake. We understand that great events take planning, which is why we are there every step of the way.
We offer unique and interesting flower installations. Whether it be a floral chandelier, unique ceremonial structure or a floral wall if you can dream it we can do it.
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[vc_wp_text]Website: http://sax-romney.com/ Contact: saxromney@yahoo.com[/vc_wp_text]
[vc_wp_text]Contact Sax Romney for more information on availability and pricing.[/vc_wp_text][contact-form-7 id=”18503″]