Editor’s Note: Keep Calm and Marry On

Three things: You can’t do it all. Go with your gut. Invite fewer people.

Dear bride and groom:

Despite the best intentions to DIY everything under the roof for your wedding, it’s logistically impossible. Here’s my advice: Hire the best help—like the hundreds of pros in this issue—and then, relax.

Overwhelmed with decision-itis? Make like Mel Robbins (TED talker, CNN commentator, bestselling author and life coach) and countdown: 5-4-3-2-1. In those five seconds, your intuition will tell you what to do before the worry, doubt and fear set in.

Boom! Now you can move to the next thing on that wedding checklist.

Lastly, edit the guest list. Repeat after me: I (insert your name) will choose quality over quantity. Fewer guests means intimate time with each person, plus a larger budget to pay for local cuisine, tailored fashion, high-quality invitations and magical blooms.

Yours truly,

Val Rasmussen, Editor-in-Chief

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